- Exercising members: €288.07 per semester
- Providing service on another's behalf: €135.55 per semester
- Non-exercising members: €125.69 per semester

Register now
Select the best option, depending on your situation:
As a Member
If you have passed the ROAC exam and wish to benefit from the services offered by the Association, don't think twice and apply for membership now
Go toAs Firm
Would you like your firm to be a member of the Association? We make it easy for you to benefit from the services of the Association
Go toAs a Partner
Do you work in an auditing firm? The Association would like to help you in your professional career. Register.
Go toAs an Associate
¿Desarrollas tu actividad profesional en el campo de las finanzas y, pese a no tener el ROAC ni colaborar con un auditor de cuentas en ejercicio o una sociedad de auditoría de cuentas, estás interesado en disfrutar de los servicios colegiales?
Membership rates for 2023 are as follows:
Discover the advantages of being a member of the Association:
School of Auditing
We provide innovative training:
- Courses, technical events, master's degree courses, workshops, congresses and conferences
- Special discounts for members and associates
- Innovation in new trends
Technical department
- Exclusive query response service for members
- Technical publications
- General and specific technical exchange sessions for member firms
Participate in the events of the Association
- Auditor's Forum
- Auditor's Day
- Auditor for one day (an event targeted at students in their final degree programme year)
- Public Sector Audit conferences
- Professional and sector-based events, sessions, conferences and activities
- AMA (Arc Mediterrani d’Auditors)
Members and Practices Directory Purchase and sale of Practices
- A business opportunity for members wishing to contact other auditing practices or firms
- l’Auditor Magazine
- Press articles about the Association
- Circulars and Newsletters
- Guides
Exclusive benefits and discounts on products and services
Job Exchange
- Do you need a young auditore? Do you want to progress in your career plan? Do you want to gain access to the best auditing firms in the country?
- Find out about the job offers and demands quickly and efficiently. Members can post their job offers and people looking for jobs who work in the auditing sector can submit their CVs.
Participate in the Associations' Committees and groups
- Technical Committee
- Non-profit entities
- Expert Witness Services
- Insolvency
- Tax
- Public Sector Audit
- Seniors
- Young people
- Mediation
Other services
- Lease of rooms
- Digital signature
- Member's cards
- Professional civil liability insurance
- Access to the training offer of Col·legi under subsidized conditions
- Access to the institutional acts of the Col·legi in advantageous conditions
- Promotion of concrete actions of interest for this group
- Interrelation with networks of other "young" professional groups
- Access to certain communications of the Col·legi and the ICJCE
- Access to the spaces of the Col·legi
- Access to the conditions of promotional agreements
- Access to the training offer of Col·legi under subsidized conditions
- Access to the institutional acts of the Col·legi in advantageous conditions
- Promotion of concrete actions of interest for this group
- Access to certain communications of the Col·legi and the ICJCE