23rd Professional Auditor's Forum

Transparency: moving ahead to new models

4 - 5 July 2013
Hotel Melià Sitges

Access the press article on awards and the photographic report:

Summary of the sessions:

Download the session presentations:

S1 - Where is auditing headed?

S2 - What legislative developments have occurred or are expected to occur in aspects related to accounting on a national and international level

S3 - Asset management in five steps

S4 - Economic prospects. Investment opportunities

S5 - Cooperative finance: a model of the future

S6 - Transparency and control in the Public Sector

S7 - Do the ISA change the way of conducting audits?

S8 - Fraud in financial statement formulation. Reflections and consequences

S9 -  Integrated reports. Formulation, external verification and opinion4 of related parties

S10 -  Main risks in non-profit organisation audits

S11 -  Directors' liability on company insolvency

S12 -  Accountancy practices: tax and labour aspects of partner relationships

S13 -  Professional practice strategy

S14 -  How to win new clients

S15 -  Talent auditor. Management skills plus leadership skills
