Auditing specialisation course CEA (2024-2025)

Septiembre 2024 - July 2025
Col·legi de Censors Jurats de Comptes de Catalunya
From Setember 2024 the Auditing Specialisation Course (CEA) will be held pursuant to the decisions of the ICAC, for internal training offered to the personnel of firms and students who wish to have the necessary theoretical training to access the ROAC entrance exam.

  • Course approved by ICAC
  • It does not exempt students from the first part of the aptitude test (theoretical part of the ROAC entrance exam) but enables them to sit the exam.
  • Setember 2024 to July 2025 with semi-distance classes, fully compatible with carrying out a professional activity
  • Targeted at the personnel of firms who are starting their professional career and wish to develop it over several years, as it is not necessary to study the whole course in a single study period

To facilitate the process for staff entering firms, developing an advanced knowledge of auditing and accounting and providing the minimum training needed to carry out auditing tasks

Mainly university qualifications in business management and economics, and those who wish to enter the auditing profession.

Register for the course by sending the resprective registration form by email to Registrations will be based on strict order of receipt. Furnishing of the necessary documents is essential to be able to formalise the registration. These documents are as follows:
  • Certificate stating the candidate is a member of the staff of the the Chartered Accountant or Chartered Accountant FIrm             .
  • Photocopy of their ID             .
  • Certified photocopy of qualifications (certificate or justification of having requested it) 
  • Course payment  

For more information send an email to: