Technical standards for preparing special and complementary reports
- [BOICAC 69]Report complementary to the report on annual account audits of credit institutions PDF (785KB)
- [BOICAC 82]Report complementary to the report on annual account audits of investment service companies and their groups PDF (354KB)
- [BOICAC 54]Special report required by article 3.6 of RD 1251/1999, of 16 July, on public limited sport companies, pursuant to the wording of RD 1412/2001 PDF (62KB)
- [BOICAC 54]Special report on certain information related to public limited sport companies provided on a six-monthly basis (article 20.5 of RD 1251/1999) PDF (83KB)
- [BOICAC24]Special report complementary to the report on annual account audits performed on cooperative societies managing financial activities PDF (153KB)
- [BOICAC 19]Special report complementary to the report on annual account audits performed on insurance companies PDF (175KB)
- [BOICAC 17]Special report required by Order of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of 30/09/1992, modifying that of 18/01/1991, on regular public information of entities issuing securities subject to trading on stock markets PDF (66KB)
- [BOICAC 10]Special report on capital increased charged to reserves, as provided for in article 157 of the revised text of the Public Limited Companies Act PDF (77KB)
- [BOICAC 9] Special report on capital increases for offsetting credits; case provided for in article 156 of the revised text of the Public Limited Companies Act PDF (66KB)